Application Form
Department Head of Promotion Department
What is meant by family is father, mother, siblings, spouse and children (if any).
Welcome, Applicants! Thank you for your interest to our company. Prior to filling out the Application Form, please read carefully the whole form. This Application Form consists of several sections. In some parts you have to complete it with your personal data, education history, and work experience; while in other parts you are asked to upload an introduction video. To ensure the process running smoothly, it is mandatory for all applicants to prepare essential documents such as ID card (KTP), CV, educational certificate (ijazah), etc. Please follow the instructions provided to create an introduction video as part of the recruitment process. It is crucial to thoroughly read and understand all the requirements before proceeding to fill out the Application Form.
Tables below are for past education (not latest)
For several files to be uploaded, please do not use unusual character such as ` or ' in the file name.
Please note that all applicants who applying for PT MMKSI's vacancy are require to submit an introduction video, as part of the recruitment process. The video submission is aim to gain a better understanding on your qualifications and capabilities. Please access the link below for more detailed instructions and introduction video requirements: